Oh-my-fish installation with ansible

Thu, May 12, 2016 One-minute read

The fish shell is a great alternative to bash that has a very interesting environment, rich as the most valuable alternatives like zsh. In that sense, there is a similar framework named oh-my-fish that is the perfect match for you if you come from oh-my-zsh. Make an autonomous installation script with ansible is trivial but there is a small detail. For example, if we choose the installation from source, we can customize the installation like the following snippet:

- name: get oh-my-fish repo
    repo: 'https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish.git'
    dest: ~/.local/share/git/oh-my-fish

- name: install oh-my-fish
    cmd: "bin/install --offline --noninteractive --yes"
    executable: /usr/bin/fish
    chdir: ~/.local/share/git/oh-my-fish

For a consistent installation script, the --noninteractive --yes are required for the following reasons:

  • --noninteractive: to not open a new fish shell after the installation

    • Note: otherwise the ansible task will never end
  • --yes: to overwrite the previous installations. However, if you don’t want to run the installation again it is possible to remove --yes and use the shell parameter creates to check for the previous installation as follows.

       - ~/.local/share/omf
       - ~/.config/omf